A big game needs a big walkthrough. Phil Wand takes you by the hand and leads you through the world of Unreal
Vortex Rikers
Object: to leave the downed ship before it collapses.
Leave your cell and head for the lift. Pick up the Universal Translator and enter the air duct. Find the Armory, stand under the button, jump up to hit it, and then get the Assault Vest. Go back to the bridge and jump down to its lower level. When the screaming dies down a door will open. Grab the Dispersion Pistol and go along the corridor. Leap through the turbine and take the lift up to the Security Chamber. Fire at the emergency glass to lift the hatch.
Nyleve's Falls
Object: to locate the Skaarj mines.
Approach the house and get the Auto-Mag next to the dead guard. Walk around the right side of the ship and approach the cliff edge. Jump out where the shore is closest to the rock face. Swim downstream and clamber onto the lift platform.
Wait until Mantas get close before you splat them.
Follow the route round, push the button and step inside in the shaft. Go up the stairs, go around the corner and summon the lift. On the floor above, push the button, climb onto the lift and step out onto the catwalk. Enter into the clearing, follow the left wall to another corridor and keep going into to the area ahead. Go down the hallway, jump down and walk forward.
The entrance to the Rrajigar Mines is patrolled, so be careful.
Rrajigar Mines
Object: to deactivate the force shield and progress to the next mine
Climb up onto the right-hand ledge and walk into the darkness. This leads to a Secret Area. Get the Assault Vest and return to the chamber. Now follow the narrow stone passage to the mine entrance. Shoot the fuel canisters - they'll blast a hole in the wall which leads to another Secret Area.
The shielded mine entrance. Watch out for guards!
Return to the chamber and take the passage ahead of you. Push the button and step aboard the lift platform. Turn around and, as the lift descends, walk forward into another Secret Area. Jump down and walk around the lava. In the Force Field Control Area, push both buttons. Retrace your steps and make your way back to the mine entrance.
Inside, take the lift. Work your way along the narrow edge and follow the Nali Priest to a Secret Area. You should now see a lava pit with a red button on the opposite wall - shoot it to raise a metal walkway. Walk across, go down the rocky face, and approach the end of the cavern. A Skaarj will be waiting for you here; try to shoot the fuel canisters for an easy kill.
Shoot the canisters, scrag the Skaarj and make a doorway.
Enter the next area. Lower the protective shield by hitting the switch. The four arrows on the pillar will open up all the doors; take any passage and then the lift. Follow the way round, looking for a small opening in the wall. Use flares to find your way to a Secret Area. Leave the tunnel and shoot the crates. Hit the switch to activate it.
At the top, follow the landing and cross the bridge. Try and save the Nali - he'll lead you to another Secret Area. Follow the route round and drop down. Cross the rickety bridge and stay on the ridge. Again, try to save the Nali, as he'll lead you to another Secret Area.
Make sure you QuickSave before crossing the old bridge.
Cross the far bridge. Keep moving and find the button to summon the lift. Go up and across the walkway; shatter the glass at the end. Flick the three switches. Go back and jump down from the walkway (on lower difficulty levels, you'll find a Secret Area in one of the turbine housings). Now follow the dark corridor out and you'll pop up near the lift. The doorway will now be open; go through it.
Lesser Brutes are best killed by strafing side to side.
Depths of Rrajigar
Object: to find the way out!
Go into the room ahead, walk onto the lift and step back as the platform rises. Drop into the Secret Area below. Now make your way to the black and yellow landing. Take out the Lesser Brute on the opposite platform and go back to the centre of the room. Flick the switch. Jump into the cart and ride across the lava.
The ore cart moves off quickly, so be ready for it.
Walk onto the landing and push the switch for another ride. Up above, follow the corridor around to cross the bridge. Go along the low passage and take the lift to the level above. Continue into the next area and walk up the ramp.
Enter the passage and go down the stairs. Turn both valves to re-route the gas. Go back upstairs and turn right. Push the switch, which opens the door below. Jump down to get the Shield Belt, then enter the open doorway. Follow the route round and enter the next area.
Skaarj are highly intelligent and proficient bullet-dodgers.
Sacred Passage
Object: to find the path that leads to Chizra.
Open the door and enter the clearing. Dive into the pool behind the main structure and swim through the underwater passage to the clearing at the other end. Find the door with three faces on it. Step on the switch to open it. Follow the passage round to the right, and push the lever on the back of the pillar. The pool will fill and a door will open. Go through it.
Chizra-Nali Water God Temple
Object: to get the eight-ball gun and find the Inner Ceremonial Chamber.
Shoot the chains on the tethered raft and climb aboard. Jump up to hit the switch. Drop down into the temple, jump into the water and collect the Stinger. Swim up the passage to a Secret Area. Swim back to the main area, and climb the two sloping joists to get out. On the landing, a Nali gestures for you to follow. He will lead you to another Secret Area. Go back to the landing and summon the lift. Go up, then jump across the pool for the ASMD.
The ASMD is ideal for close combat.
Turn around and head for the alcove to the side of the lift. Push the button and you'll be dropped down into a lower chamber. Now look for an extra button beneath the engravings; push it to open the door ahead of you. Enter the passage to your right, jumping over the blocks. Follow the Nali to the bridge. Jump down and walk along the beam to the oblong statue. Push it to move the bars from the door on the other side of the chamber. Walk up the passage.
Brush the wall to avoid the deadly dart trap.
Jump onto the platform and follow the Nali. You'll be lead to a button which lowers one of the columns on the opposite wall. Ride the column up and follow the route back to the antechamber. Push the button to drop down again and move along to the main temple entrance. Enter the temple and walk straight down the hole. Swim through the passageways and collect the Assault Vest. Return to the pool you jumped into and go up the stairs. Go into the small chamber and push the face to lower a lift on your right.
Touch the face to summon the lift.
Ride the lift and pick up the ASMD cores. Follow the path back to the room above the temple entrance. Go back inside the temple, but jump over the hole. Cross the bridge to your right, and push the wooden pole at the end. Cross the opposite bridge and do the same at the other end. In the middle of the second bridge there are two stone pads; press the lower one and the doors behind will swing open.
Enter the chamber and jump onto the block to get the Super Health. Now go into the hall on your left. Follow it round and climb the loose stones. Walk down the ramp and turn right on the walkway. Ahead you'll find a large chamber with two Lightning Fire Rocks atop two pillars.
Look for the button behind the blue flames.
Push the button on the face of each pillar and go back the way you came. Approach the gold door, and hit the button to open it. Now follow the route back and open the other gold door. Go down and enter either passage. Climb the stones, jumping across the passage and then back to the platform, and make your way down to the Pool of Thunder.
Walk through the waterfall for some useful gifts.
At the back of the chamber, enter the waterfall to collect a Super Health. Walk down into the water and pick up the scuba gear. Make your way back to the pool with the eightball gun, and lean on the lever in the open alcove. Get the gun and jump forward to open the golden door. Walk around the wooden walkway to your right, and follow the Nali through the blue portal. If you're lucky, you'll telefrag the Skaarj on your arrival. Walk forward through the opening in the wall.
This alcove appears after you've completed the level.
Object: to defeat the Skaarj and find the way out.
Enter the first door and head left. Dive into the pool and swim up to the Secret Area. Swim down and push the lever. Climb out of the pool and take either corridor. Again, dive into the pool and push the lever. At the surface, head for the gold door. Walk up the ramp in the main room. Kill the Skaarj and the door will open.
Look for the doorway and avoid killing the Nali behind.
Go up the ramp, kill the Skaarj and tug the lever. Ride the lift down. Follow the walkway for a while, then swim round the rocks to the grappling hook. Pull the lever and walk up the cable to the narrow ledge. Jump down onto the sloping beam and join the Nali on the other side. Follow him down to the raft and head downstream. Push the carving at the end.
Use the stress-free raft ride to take stock of what you've got.
Dark Arena
Object: to destroy the Titan and escape.
Head down the corridor. Push the stone face on the wall behind the barrel to open the doors. Walk down the stairs. Go outside and walk around the castle to the main door.
The main door of the castle.
Enter the castle and take the stairs. Enter either alcove at the top and walk along the semi-circular hallway. When all Skaarj are dead, a door will open leading to three levers. Push all of them to open the inner doorways. Make your way back to outside the castle.
Scrag all the bad guys, then look for the three levers.
Flashlight in hand, enter the opening in the rock face near the crucified Nali. Shoot the crumbling wall and follow the steep passage. When it opens out, follow the hallway round to your left. Enter the door ahead of you and grab the ASMD. Flick the two switches to open up the cells. Enter either of the two main doors and take the ramp behind them. Throw the switch, and leap down. Walk up the stairs. The Titan is here, inside one of the alcoves.
Big, bulky and tough as mutton, Titans don't dodge or strafe.
Don't worry if you find yourself jumping all over the place; only the stones will hurt you. Use the central pillar for cover and take him out with the eightball and ASMD. Once the Titan croaks, enter the alcove and go through the hole in the back wall. Push the button to open the doors and exit the arena.
This alcove is accessible once the Titan is dead.
Harobed Village
Object: to get the Flak Cannon and enter the stricken spaceship.
Enter the village in the clearing. In the huts behind and to the left of the well you'll find replacement eightballs and med-kits. Make your way to the abbey at the top of the hill. Go behind to the cemetery and look for a button to open the furthest grave. Go down the secret passage into the cavern. Cross the walkway and swim down the channel. Look up, and use your eightball gun to drop the Super Health. Go back to and enter the abbey. The Nali priest inside will lead you to a Secret Area that leads up to the balcony.
Up to the balcony and the Flak Cannon!
Follow it round to the lift, and rise to the bell tower. Grab the flak cannon and related goodies, then leave the abbey and head down the hill to the ship. Jump across what remains of the walkway, walk round to the right, and enter the door.
The ship entrance is behind a metal wall, hidden out of sight.
Terraniux Underground
Object: to activate the lift to the Terraniux.
Follow the route round, then push the button on the far wall to bring the lift down. A mercenary is on it; use your flak cannon to drop him. Enter the ship through the door at the back and walk to the next area. Push both buttons.
These two buttons operate the lift at the entrance.
Now go back and step onto the lift. Open the doors ahead and snipe at the mercenary operating the controls beneath you. Cross the walkway and take a long jump onto the platform. Take the Toxin Suit, and enter the brightly lit corridor furthest from you. Press the button to start the pumping station.
Follow the lit corridor round and get those pumps working.
Object: to exit to Noork's Elbow
Drop into the now empty bio-waste tank and walk through to the other side.
The events of the previous level drain the tank of bio-waste.
Open the watertight aperture and head round to the left. Enter the opening and step onto the platform. In the room above, go across and push the button under the upper deck. Go carefully across the remains of the walkway and get the Energy Amplifier in the alcove. Go back to the hallway and turn right. Enter the adjacent bio-waste room and again make for the button under the upper level. Get the Jump Boots from the alcove, and enter the door.
Ride the lift stops halfway. Use your flashlight and leap onto the broken pipe. Tread carefully along it and look down at the end into the Secret Area. Jump into the bio-waste and swim up to the main area. Go back to bio-waste room B and exit via the door in the alcove. You'll pass a non-functioning lift behind a pillar. Carry on through the door ahead and push the button below the upper deck. Go back to the lift, which should now work.
The lift up to the three hydroponic greenhouses.
Ride it up to the hydroponic greenhouses. Take a left and make for the first corridor you come to. Push a button to activate the lift and travel up a level. Press any button to lower the lifts and drop down. Get the ammunition and step on the platform with the button. Don't step off, but ride it for two levels. At the top you'll find a Secret Area behind the Kevlar Suit which leads out to an area above greenhouse B.
A mercenary doing his invulnerability trick in greenhouse B.
Jump down and find greenhouse C - use your Universal Translator at the various consoles to pinpoint your location. Enter the door on the right wall, and dive into the bio-waste. Swim along the pipe to the control room.
Control room, with the force shield active.
Get the GES BioRifle over by the force field, and push both buttons. Go out of the main door and head for the nearest pool of bio-waste. Swim around until you resurface just outside the Noork entrance - this may take some searching. Go inside the Noork and kill the waiting mercenary. Take the lift down.
Noork's Elbow
Object: to explore the small village and then the temple.
Open the door and shoot at the canisters on the landing. Walk up the stairs and go down the ramp. Now head down the hill towards the imposing monastery.
The monastery's drawbridge will drop when you get close.
Turn left, jump into the water, and swim round the side of the building. Go through the small cleft in the wall into a Secret Area. Get out of the water and climb the ramp to the monastery. Enter either hallway.
Temple of Vandora
Object: to light the Torch of Thunder and exit the temple.
Head up the stairs. Once you've defeated the Skaarj and Manta, retrace your steps and look for a new opening. Walk up the stairs to the Secret Area and collect the goodies. Jump down and walk across the courtyard to the door on the opposite side.
Follow the steep staircase down to the waiting Nali.
Walk down towards the pool and follow the Nali when he beckons you. He'll lead you to another Secret Area. Return to the pool, dive in and swim along the passage underneath. Keep to the right side to find another Secret Area. Swim back up to the surface. Leave the water, turn left and enter the Sanctuary.
The best way to kill a Slith is by shredding it with your mini-gun.
Walk past the area the Nali showed you, go down the stairs, and enter the next area. Turn left at its exit and go down the stairs ahead of you. Go up the stairs on your right, get the Razor Blades and jump down to the landing beneath. Take the boat and at the landing collect more eightballs and Razor Blades.
The Torch of Thunder: awww, pretty!
Push the button at the back of the room, then cross the bridge. Step on the switch to light the torch. Go back across the bridge and walk up the left ramp. Open all the doors, kill your assailants and grab all you can. Now take the boat back.
Back from the boat trip, the door on the landing should be open.
You should find a door above you to your left is open; enter the passage, turn left and drop down. Walk up the stairs on your right. Climb the stairs at the end of the hallway and cross the bridge. More stairs lead to a chamber. Take the right-hand passage and throw a flare into the fountain. Grab the Invisibility from behind the door that opens. Return to the room below and walk up the stairs.
The high sanctuary walkway leads to the entrance courtyard.
Follow the walkway into the courtyard; turn right into the hallway. Follow it and walk up the hill. Go round the corner and head towards the entrance. In the courtyard behind is a Titan, so make sure you're tooled up. Once the monster dies, a door will open. Walk through.
This Titan's quite easy to pick off as he's up on a stage.
Object: to find your way to the ISV-Kran.
Your GES BioRifle will drop a Titan in no time at all
Walk around the corner and down into the trench. Take on the Titan, walk on and into the pool of red light - this will lower the lift platform. Climb aboard and enter the ship. Activate the lift by pressing the control panel; it'll take a little practice. Open the doors at the end of the landing and step forward.
The monster shape of the ISV-Kran looms at the end of the trench.
ISV-Kran Deck 4
Object: to progress up through the decks.
Walk through and press the control panel. Turn around and use the lift. Go up and veer right. Kill all the Skaarjs and the pit in the main corridor will open.
Once the level is clear of bad guys, the pit will be accessible.
Jump down to the back of the pit and follow the shaft round, picking up the Razorjack on the way. Around a corner you should see a small panel on the wall and a large chamber ahead of it. Drop the long way down onto the central walkway, and press the control panel. Use the ventilation ducts to take you back to the start.
Go back up the lift and go right again. Follow the corridor to the end; this time the door into the warehouse will be open. Enter and turn left. Press the button and return to the centre of the warehouse. A loading ramp is extended. Climb it, press the button and return to the lower level. Go to the corner and walk through the door.
Hit the button at the top of the ramp and the door opens.